Engineer comes under fire for not requiring masks on his prefixes.

TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES, NEW MEXICO 29-Jan-2022 Billy Ray Johnson has become the center of a developing controversy over mask usage in the network he manages. Johnson works for well-known food processing company Mystery, Inc. Mystery requires mask usage on all company prefixes. Johnson has a different perspective, however. “Look, I’ve tried every mask possible on these things, /8, /24, /29, hell I even tried a /31 and they just don’t work - everything still pings....

January 29, 2022 · 3 min · MAC Twain

Heartbreaking: 6509 PSUs fail after a brief 22 years of service

RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC, CISCO SYSTEMS INC 25-Dec-2021 After only 22 years of service, a 6509 chassis deployed at a customer location has reportedly reached its final end of life. Taken from us in its prime, lon1-gandalf01, known simply as “Gandalf” by those close to it, put in its final notice after the power outage at Interexion’s LON1 facility killed off the last working PSU. Network Engineer Rich Ikhanda, the technician tasked with placing gandalf into its final resting box, stated “it’s a real shame to see this router taken out of service while it still had its youth....

December 25, 2021 · 2 min · J.R.R. TokenRing